Dear CIGAR Network Members, dear participants of the 2022 CIGAR Workshop, we have prepared the following Participant Guide for the CIGAR Workshop/IPSASB Research Forum: CIGAR Workshop Participant Guide We hope that this Guide will help in preparing your visit to Cottbus/Berlin. We are looking forward to welcome you in Cottbus and in Berlin! The Organizing Committee of the CIGAR Workshop and the IPSASB Research Forum. |
From 21-23 September the 16th CIGAR Workshop will be held in Cottbus and Berlin. The event starts with the PhD Colloquium on 21st of September in Cottbus and closes with the IPSASB Research Forum on Friday 23rd in the afternoon in Berlin.
The theme of the CIGAR Workshop will be “Educating for Institutional Change in Public Sector Accounting?”. The main focus of the Workshop is therefore on Public Sector Accounting Education.